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Kenyataan Iman

Kolej Bible Malaysia berpegang pada Kenyataan Iman (Statement of Truths) yang dipegang oleh the Assemblies of God seperti yang berikut: 

Kami percaya

bahawa Alkitab adalah Firman Tuhan yang diilhamkan, sebagai aturan yang sempurna bagi iman dan tingkah laku semua manusia.

bahawa Tuhan itu Esa, maha wujud di dalam tiga Peribadi–Bapa, Anak, dan Roh Kudus.

tentang Keilahian Tuhan kita Yesus Kristus, tentang kelahiran-Nya melalui seorang perawan, tentang kehidupan-Nya yang tidak berdosa, tentang mukjizat-Nya, tentang kematian-Nya yang mewakili manusia dan menebus dosa kita, tentang kebangkitan tubuh-Nya dari maut, tentang kenaikan-Nya ke sebelah kanan Bapa, dan tentang kedatangan-Nya kembali ke dunia pada masa hadapan secara kelihatan untuk memerintah selama seribu tahun.

tentang pengangkatan Gereja pada waktu kedatangan Kristus ke dunia; inilah harapan bahagia bagi semua orang beriman.

bahawa “sebagaimana dosa memasuki dunia ini melalui seorang manusia, dan dengan demikian kematian menimpa semua manusia, kerana semuanya berdosa.”

bahawa satu-satunya cara untuk diselamatkan daripada dosa adalah melalui pertaubatan dan iman di dalam kuasa darah Kristus yang menyucikan.

bahawa regenerasi oleh Roh Kudus adalah sangat penting bagi keselamatan peribadi.

bahawa melalui kematian Kristus di kayu Salib, penyembuhan bagi tubuh manusia tersedia sebagai jawapan kepada iman dan doa.

tentang baptisan dalam Roh Kudus menurut Kisah Rasul 2:4, yang boleh diterima oleh semua orang percaya untuk kehidupan dan pelayanan yang berkesan.

tentang kuasa pengudusan Roh Kudus yang mendiami orang Kristian untuk memampukan mereka menjalani kehidupan yang kudus.

tentang kebangkitan tubuh orang-orang yang diselamatkan dan yang terhilang, yang satu kepada kehidupan kekal dan yang satu lagi kepada hukuman kekal.

History of Bible College of Malaysia

The Bible College of Malaysia (BCM) traces its humble roots to an American missionary couple, Delmer and Eleanor Guynes, who were sent to Malaysia to serve God in the 1950s. Initially established as the Bible Institute of Malaya, the college officially opened its doors in 1960 and in 1962, the first batch of students consisting of four men and three women became the first graduates.

As an education institution, BCM’s primary mission is to equip and provide holistic training to men and women called by God so that they may advance the gospel of our Lord effectively with their God-given gifts – in Malaysia and beyond.

In 1982, the college was renamed the Bible College of Malaysia with the introduction of the Bachelor of Theology program. Seeing the need for more lay leaders, the Certificate of Biblical Studies was introduced in 1986. As demand grew for higher-tertiary Christian studies, a suite of Master programs was introduced in 2004.

All programs were initially in English. Between 1968 and 1972, under the leadership of Rev David and Alice Nyien, certain programs were made available in Chinese. In 1980, a full-fledged Chinese faculty was established. Today, the Chinese faculty offers a full suite of programs from Bachelor to Master to Counseling programs. 

Strategically located in Malaysia, the paramount focus is to equip more local native speakers. As the need arose, Rev Peter Wong, Rev Ng Kok Kee and Rev Wendy Ching established the Bahasa Malaysia faculty in 2003. The faculty offered a Diploma of Theology and subsequently, a Bachelor of Theology. 

Our experienced and caring teaching faculty come from diverse backgrounds of ministry and missionary experience. Not only will their academic expertise stretch and deepen your biblical knowledge and thinking, but their life experience in the field provides practical application for holistic learning. See our Academic Team.

In the 60 years since its establishment, BCM has trained over 1000 ministers for Christ. Among them are 700 full-time ministers, 200 bi-vocational pastors or lay leaders in the workplace, 14 missionaries, 9 parachurch workers, 31 social concern workers and 5 evangelists. 

Tapping into the robust network and ecosystem at BCM, some alumni are itinerant preachers. Among the people trained at BCM, many of them go forth to fulfill their calling in different parts of the world; Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Japan, China, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and the United Kingdom.

BCM graduates are highly regarded in the Christian community. Graduates work nationwide and overseas as church pastors, missionaries, in university ministries and para-church organizations, or return to the workforce for ministry opportunities and are more equipped to serve in the local church.