March 8, 2021 2023-01-27 15:46Campus
Spiritual Formation
At BCM, spiritual formation is an integral part of the curriculum at BCM. It occurs in the form of personal devotions, weekly dorm devotions, chapel services, small group meetings and workshops when necessary.
First & Second Trimesters
In the first and second trimesters, students and faculty will participate in a 2-day Spiritual Retreat devoted for special chapel service and for bonding and fellowship.
Third Trimesters
In the third trimester, students and faculty will participate in a Camp, if there is no mission trip planned for the year.
Real World Practice
As a way of learning, students also take turns to preach at least once in a trimester and receive feedback for improvement after the session.
Ministry Formation
While at BCM, you will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ways, including the Student Council, in the chapel committee, in the worship team, as well as in other leadership roles.