Here are all the course details provided by BCM. If you are interested in any of them, please check with the registrar or on our calendar.
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Title | Category | Course Code | Credit Hours | Description | Language |
Introduction to NT Greek | Biblical Language Studies | BGR 3003/7003 | 3 | A course designed to provide a basic understanding of New Testament Greek and an ability to use exegetical resources. | English |
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew | Biblical Language Studies | BHE 3003/7003 | 3 | This course is designed as a basic introduction to Biblical Hebrew. The student is introduced to the main elements of Biblical Hebrew. The course also covers the use of the various Hebrew tools to enable the student to do serious Bible exegesis and study. | English |
Biblical Hebrew I | Biblical Language Studies | BHE 3013/7013 | 3 | A course in the language of the Old Testament, classical or biblical Hebrew, designed to introduce students to the elements of Hebrew orthography, phonology, morphology, and syntax. The study will emphasize fundamentals of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary development. | English |
Biblical Hebrew II | Biblical Language Studies | BHE 3023/7023 | 3 | A course in the language of the Old Testament, classical or biblical Hebrew, designed to introduce students to the elements of Hebrew orthography, phonology, morphology, and syntax. The study will emphasize fundamentals of Hebrew grammar and vocabulary development. | English |
Biblical Hebrew III | Biblical Language Studies | BHE 3033/7033 | 3 | A course that offers reading of the Hebrew text in selected passages. It is designed to give students added experience in handling the Hebrew language and to increase their vocabulary. | English |
Greek I | Biblical Language Studies | BGR 3013/7013 | 3 | An introductory course in the original language of the New Testament, Koine Greek, designed to give students a basic understanding of the elements of Greek orthography, phonology, morphology and syntax. The study will emphasize fundamentals of Greek grammar and vocabulary development. | English |
Greek II | Biblical Language Studies | BGR 3023/7023 | 3 | An introductory course in the original language of the New Testament, Koine Greek, designed to give students a basic understanding of the elements of Greek orthography, phonology, morphology and syntax. The study will emphasize fundamentals of Greek grammar and vocabulary development. | English |
Greek III | Biblical Language Studies | BGR 3033/7033 | 3 | A review of Greek grammar with special attention to syntax. Vocabulary is increased. Selected passages of Greek text are translated. An introduction of textual criticism is provided to enable students to gain facility in the use of textual apparatus. An introduction to exegetical method is included. | English |
Old Testament Survey/Introduction to Old Testament | Old Testament | OT 1003/5003 | 3 | An overview of the contents of the Old Testament. The principal themes and outstanding features of each book as well as its relation to the other books of the Old Testament will be studied. | English |
Bible Lands & Culture | Old Testament | OT 1113/5113 | 3 | This is a course to help students to be familiar with the Bible lands, their history, geography, cultures, and impact on ancient Israel. Ancient Israel will be studied from the twin perspectives of its social history and its religion and faith. The course will conclude with a study of the ancient Hebrew thought world, worldview and the people’s fascination with numbers and imagery. | English |
Hermeneutics Old Testament | Old Testament | OT 2003/6003 | 3 | Prerequisite : OT Survey/Intro to OT | An overview on the importance of hermeneutics, and the various principles of Biblical interpretation. Special attention would be given to developing the skill of interpreting the various Old Testament genres. A survey of the historical development of hermeneutics will also be included. | English |
Genesis | Old Testament | OT 2113/6113 | 3 | A historical and doctrinal study of the book dealing with problems of chronology, creation, the fall, the flood, ante- and post-diluvian civilization and the patriarchs. | English |
I & II Samuel | Old Testament | OT 2173/6173 | 3 | A study of these books in the light of Israel’s covenantal relationship with Yahweh and an analysis of Israel’s theological appropriation of her historical traditions. | English |
Psalms | Old Testament | OT 2333/6333 | 3 | This study of the book of Psalms will pay attention to its literary form, theological teachings and canonical context. Focus will be given to the interpretation and sermonic treatment of the various types of psalms. | English |
Isaiah | Old Testament | OT 3113/7113 | 3 | An analytical study of Isaiah in the light of its historical context, with special emphasis given to its messianic and eschatological themes. | English |
Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi¹ | Old Testament | OT 3393/7393 | 3 | These last three OT books share important messages from God to his people who were fast losing faith and becoming disappointed with delayed promises and non-fulfilment of OT prophecies. Besides addressing the usual issues of authorship, historical and literary settings, and theological messages, this course will explore how God’s people today can still draw inspiration, hope and strength from these books. | English |
New Testament Survey/Introduction to NT | New Testament | NT 1003/5003 | 3 | An overview of the content of the New Testament. The principal themes and outstanding features of each book as well as its relation to the other books of the New Testament will be studied. | English |
Hermeneutics New Testament | New Testament | NT 2003/6003 | 3 | Prerequisite: NT Survey/Intro to NT, Hermeneutics OT | A survey of the methods and principles of biblical interpretation, including practice in developing the skill of grasping the author’s intended meaning and its contemporary significance. | English |
Gospel of Mark | New Testament | NT 2123/6123 | 3 | This course provides an in-depth look at the gospel of Mark. The first part of each session will introduce in lecture-based discussions crucial themes for understanding the gospel, exploring its historical and cultural context of Judaism under the Roman Empire, the goals of Mark as narrator and proclaimer of the work and identity of Jesus, and the literary composition of the book as a whole. The second half of each session will involve a study of specific passages of Mark inductively and collaboratively. | English |
Gospel of John | New Testament | NT 2143/6143 | 3 | An analytical and exegetical study of Gospel of John with an in-depth consideration of its structure, logical argument, chronology, characteristic vocabulary, themes, purpose and theology. The life, character and ministry of Jesus Christ are examined from the perspective of the inspired evangelist. | English |
Romans | New Testament | NT 2153/6153 | 3 | A theological and doctrinal study of the book of Romans giving special attention to its major themes and its relevance to the contemporary Christian. | English |
I Corinthians | New Testament | NT 2163/6163 | 3 | A study of the epistle with special reference to the historical background and the Pauline solutions to the problems faced by the church and relating its principles to the modern church. | English |
Pastoral Epistles | New Testament | NT 3313/7313 | 3 | An exposition of the books of 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus with special emphasis on Paul’s instructions to ministers concerning pastoral responsibilities and qualifications. | English |
Parables of Jesus | New Testament | NT 4123/5123 | 3 | This course offers an in-depth study of selected parables of Jesus, including a survey of the history of their interpretation, their function in Jesus’ ministry, and reflection upon their challenge for NT theology and interpretation. This course will also explore the use of parables in contemporary teaching and preaching ministry where students will attempt to understand the parables of Jesus in light of their First-Century Jewish environment, and to bridge the gap between then and now in applying the parables to their present situations in life and ministry. | English |
Pentecostal Foundations | Theology | TH 1003/5003 | 3 | A study of the historical and theological roots of the modern Pentecostal revival, particularly the Assemblies of God, USA. Special attention is given to the national history and the work of the Assemblies of God with a clear affirmation of the Statement of Faith. | English |
God, Revelation and Humanity | Theology | TH 2013/6013 | 3 | A study of the doctrines of revelation and Scripture, nature of God and His mode of existence, and the origin, fall and nature of humanity. | English |
Christ and Salvation | Theology | TH 2023/6023 | 3 | A study of the doctrines of divine election, the covenant of grace, the person and work of Christ, regeneration, repentance, faith, justification, adoption, sanctification, and glorification. | English |
Church and the Last Things | Theology | TH 2033/6033 | 3 | A study of the doctrine of the church, its nature, authority and mission, including the worship of the church, the sacraments and prayer. The relationship between the Kingdom of God and the church and the doctrine of Last Things will also be considered. | English |
The Holy Spirit / Pneumatology | Theology | TH 2043/6043 | 3 | A study of the person, work and doctrine of the Holy Spirit. It includes the Pentecostal understanding of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, tongues as the initial physical evidence, nature and purpose of spiritual gifts, the fruit of the Spirit and spiritual warfare. | English |
Christian Ethics | Theology | TH 3023/7023 | 3 | A study of contemporary ethical issues from a Christian perspective. This course focuses on Christian personal ethics and morality. Issues such as divorce, abortion, euthanasia, genetic control, sex, war, racism, ecology, work, personal lifestyle and social responsibilities will be considered. | English |
Apologetics | Theology | TH 3133/7133 | 3 | A course designed to equip the student to defend the Christian faith against important contemporary assaults and to build a positive Christian world and life view. Appeal will be made to the various rational arguments and also to special contributions of the Pentecostal message. | English |
Gospel, Church & Culture | Theology | TH 4323/7323 | 3 | This course aims to raise and address issues pertaining to the relationship of the Gospel to church and culture. It helps students to explore what it really means to follow Jesus in a world that is becoming increasingly insensitive to the Gospel. Worldviews will be studied as a tool for understanding cultures, and for examining the dominant ideologies shaped by the cultural milieu of contemporary Asian society. Students will be exposed to ‘worldview thinking’ to appreciate ‘cultural conditioning’ of belief and behavior and discuss specifically what this means for the church and its mission. | English |
Spiritual Formation | Ministry | MN 1013/5013 | 3 | This course focuses on the needs of character formation and nurture in the lives of Christian leaders. The dynamics of formative spirituality will be discussed, including what brings about changes in personal transformation and spiritual growth. | English |
Homiletics | Ministry | MN 2013/6013 | 3 | Prerequisites: Hermeneutics OT, Hermeneutics NT | A study of the techniques and fundamentals of sermon construction and persuasive delivery of biblical sermons with consideration of the theological and practical aspects of the nature of preaching. A practicum element is an essential part of the course. | English |
Field Education | Ministry | MN 2113/6113 | 3 | The purpose of Field Education is to integrate learning with practical ministry skills. Students will be given opportunities to develop competency through the performance of ministry tasks under the guidance of a supervisor. | English |
Church Planting | Ministry | MN 2133/6133 | 3 | A survey and study of the biblical principles and practices of church planting. It includes an investigation on the various methods and approaches to pioneering and planting churches in today’s context using scriptural patterns and principles as a fundamental base or guide. | English |
Worship Ministry | Ministry | MN 2253/6253 | 3 | This course will focus on the meaning and dynamics of the worship ministry in the church which includes learning how to conduct effective worship rehearsal and proper preparations for a worship service. The challenges of leading worship in a small group and the unique relationships between worship and music, prayer, and evangelism will also be explored. The course will also incorporate a look at the important relationships of pastor and worship leader and those within the worship team as well as help students develop an understanding and appreciation for the different Christian expressions of worship. | English |
Pastoral Ministry | Ministry | MN 3013/7013 | 3 | A study of the philosophy of ministry, the spiritual formation of the minister, and the changing trends of the ministry. Special emphasis will be given to pastoral functions and responsibilities. It is a practical course designed to sharpen the abilities and to develop skills for effective pastoral ministry. | English |
Pastoral Counseling | Ministry | MN 3033/7033 | 3 | This course provides a biblical approach to counseling, with a biblical perspective on human psychological functioning to understand the root causes of human problems. Case studies will be used to explore ways to help people grow in Christian maturity through their personal difficulties. | English |
Biblical Leadership Development ¹ | Ministry | MN 3313/6313 | 3 | This course is designed to give a general introduction to the topic of leadership, in general and Christian leadership in particular, making wide use of Scriptural case studies and didactic teaching from both Old and New Testaments. The course will model the use of scripture in leadership development, specifically in skills and character training and discipleship, and in ministry vision, equipping and empowerment. | English |
Children Ministry | Ministry | MN/CE 3333/7333 | 3 | This course is to help the student minister more effectively with children. Attention is given to teaching children to worship and pray, relating theological concepts and Biblical truths to children, identifying social influences which affect children, and understanding the unique spiritual needs of children. It will also include an overview of teaching methodology and curriculum content used in children's ministry for the various age groups. | English |
Conflict Management | Ministry | MN/GE 2183/6183 | 3 | Conflict in personal, familial, congregational, and communal life are continuing problems and possibilities in Christian ministry. This course offers an experiential, theological, and pastoral approach to the management, resolution, transformation, and utilization of conflict in both personal and pastoral perspectives. | English |
Local Church & Missions | Ministry | MN/MS 1213/5213 | 3 | This is a study of the role of the local church in local and global missions. The focus is to help students understand the biblical, historical issues and cultural issues in missions and to know how to develop and implement an effective missional strategy from a pastoral perspective. | English |
Principles of Teaching | Christian Education | GE/CE 2013 | 3 | A practical course on the basics of Christian teaching including the biblical foundations, the role of teaching in the Christian ministry, methods and fundamental principles of the teaching/learning process with opportunity to develop skills through in-class and actual teaching. | English |
Educational Principles and Methods | Christian Education | GE/CE 6013 | 3 | A study of teaching methods and strategies based on the teaching and learning process. Practicum experiences in preparation, presentation, assessment, and evaluation of lessons will be an essential component of this course. | English |
Theological Research Writing | General Education | GE 1003/5003 | 3 | This course is formally known as Research Writing/ Theological Research MethodsA course to accustom and equip students with an understanding on research methodology, preparation, and the presentation of research papers. The guidelines for writing a book critique will also be considered. | English |
Survey of Church History | General Education | GE 1213/5213 | 3 | A survey of the history of the Christian church, highlighting the major developments and events in its life, such as the development of classical theology in the early church, the contribution of monasticism and synthesis of theology and philosophy in the Medieval period, the Reformation and the Enlightenment and the rise of the Evangelical and Pentecostal Charismatic movements in the modern period. | English |
Religions and Cults | General Education | GE 2023/6023 | 3 | An introduction to the basic religions of the world with special attention on the local major religions and cults. A comparative study with Christianity will be considered. | English |
Church and Law | General Education | GE 3013/7013 | 3 | A course designed to introduce the basic legal framework for the ministry in our Malaysian context. It covers the legalities of management and laws of meetings (Robert’s Rules of Order) and Legal Ordinances that affect the present Malaysian Church. | English |
Leadership and Management | General Education | GE/MN 3023/7023 | 3 | This course will focus on the role of leadership, enhance leadership capabilities and team management. The emphasis will be on how to become better decision makers, develop effective communication skills, organizational strategies and delegation abilities | English |
Introduction to Psychology ¹ | Counseling | GE 3203/6213 | 3 | This course introduces students to the study of human behavior and the process of the mind to help them integrate it with their Christian faith and relate it to people-helping. It will include the application of psychological theories to personal growth and development. | English |
The Human Story & The Person of the Counselor ¹ | Counseling | GE 3213/6223 | 3 | This course focuses on helping students to understand themselves, their needs as well as their wounds and in turn increase their capacity to companion troubled people in ways that are hospitable, authentic, compassionate, non-judgmental, non-directive and helpful. The focus will be on deepening the therapeutic walk with oneself and with others in redemptive listening and fostering an action-prayer reflection rhythm as basic to interpersonal encounters. | English |
Introduction to Human Development ¹ | Counseling | GE 3223/6323 | 3 | This unit focuses on the various theories on development through the lifespan, with the identification of growth from preschool to old age. Topics include cognitive, social, moral, physical and spiritual development. Theories explored include both social constructivist theories and stage models. | English |
Basic Counseling Skills ¹ | Counseling | GE 3233/6233 | 3 | This course is designed to help students in developing effective helping and interpersonal skills, essential in ministering towards people with common social and psychological issues these days. Emphasis is on mastering basic interviewing/counseling skills within the context of Christian values and ethics. It focuses on understanding the counseling process, knowing how to structure a counseling session, as well as using basic attending and influencing skills in helping clients to generate new ideas that lead to action. Through this process, students will be reflective in their own personal growth and awareness of self so that they can be better people helpers. | English |
Counseling Theories ¹ | Counseling | GE 3243/7243 | 3 | This course offers an introduction into the major theories and practices of counseling. The major focus of this course is in understanding the theories and applying the corresponding counseling techniques in pastoral counseling. This course will assist students to select a counseling style and theory that they can apply to common issues that they will face during pastoral counseling. | English |
Theological Foundations of Counseling | Counseling | GE 3253/7253 | 3 | This unit explores fundamental theological issues which form the basis for a Christian understanding of the counseling process. Areas examined include the process of change and renewal in the individual, grace and law, the role of the Holy Spirit, the healing community and a theology of suffering. Students will thus develop a theological grounding for their counseling practice. | English |
Psychotherapy ¹ | Counseling | GE 3263/7263 | 3 | Prerequisites: Basic Counseling Skills | This unit provides students with the opportunity to develop and apply knowledge about a range of contemporary psychotherapy models and their historical development, including Freudian, Object Relations, Self Psychology, and Relational therapies. Students will develop comparative understandings of these models’ view of the self, the body, the unconscious, the nature of consciousness and the role of defenses. The conceptualization of the role of the therapist within each modality will also be compared. The strengths and limitations of each model will be critically reviewed, and important skills and interventions derived from these approaches demonstrated and applied. Strength BaseTherapy will also be taught in class. | English |
Counseling Practicum I | Counseling | GE 3273/6273 | 3 | Prerequisites: completion of 2/3 of the program | The Counseling Practicum I is an experiential course designed to train and develop students’ skills and understanding of the practice of clinical mental health counseling through supervised practice. In this unit, students will take part in a counseling placement, they will observe as well as take part in counseling sessions, and keep a reflection journal to encourage self-evaluation and personal growth. Students are required to complete 40 hours of supervised practice and direct service with clients /patients. Additionally, students will attend classes designed to deepen their learning and growth at the practicum site. | English |
Counseling Practicum II | Counseling | GE 3283/6283 | 3 | Prerequisites: completion of 2/3 of the program | Counseling Practicum II is the continuous development and practice of skills learned in BMC. Students will learn to harness their case conceptualization skills and professional skills related to their practice at the field site. In this unit, students will take part in a counseling placement, they will observe as well as take part in counseling sessions, keep a reflection journal to encourage self-evaluation and personal growth. Students are required to complete 50 hours of supervised practice and direct service with clients /patients. Additionally, students will attend classes designed to deepen their learning and growth at the practicum site. | English |
Ethics in Counseling ¹ | Counseling | GE 3293/7293 | 3 | This unit is considered a central and integrative part of the course presenting a focus and intensive analysis of ethics within a counseling context. The unit provides an awareness and understanding of social, legal and ethical issues critical to the effective practice of counseling. It offers a knowledge base for understanding the social, legal and ethical needs and issues of people with cultural differences, people with disabilities and individuals affected by physical and emotional abuse. | English |
Major Issues in Counseling | Counseling | GE 3413/7413 | 3 | The unit gives a broad overview of a variety of issues that may be the focus of counseling for many people in the community. It provides a foundation for responding to these issues sensitivity and helping others in their responses to the situations in which they find themselves. | English |
Child and Adolescent Issues | Counseling | GE 3443/6443 | 3 | This unit explores the nature of child and adolescent development and its implications for counseling. Different developmental theories will be presented and evaluated. Ways to develop a therapeutic relationship with children of different ages will be explo | English |
Youth Issues | Counseling | GE 3453 | 3 | This unit covers challenges faced by youths in the 21st century. It explores what it means to be a teenager and their place in society. Youth identity stages, important social issues such as employment, technology, changing family dynamics, youth’s emotional, social and psychological needs are some of the topics to be discussed. Students are required to develop an understanding and application of counseling skills required to support youths. | English |
Community Counseling ¹ | Counseling | GE 3473/ 7473 | 3 | This course provides a framework on how to work within the community in our current social context. In this platform, community models will be used to show how we can address issues such as social justice and multicultural competence. It is hoped through learning these new skills that we can continue to be relevant and impactful to the community. | English |
Family Counseling | Counseling | GE 3483/6483 | 3 | Overview of the field of family therapy, with a focus on the precursors of the family therapy movement, the major models of family intervention, counseling skills and theoretical techniques, and the application of counseling principles to the family setting. In addition to the various theories of family structure and process, guiding principles and strategies for assessing will be presented, as will other techniques for engaging and connecting with families.This course will provide students with a foundational understanding of the dynamics of family interaction from a systems perspective. The development of an understanding of systems theory, its application to family interaction, and its evaluation will form the basis of the course content. | English |
Couple & Marriage Counseling | Counseling | GE 3493/6493 | 3 | This course seeks to develop the student’s marital counseling skills. There will be an exploration of the field in theory and practice. Emphasis will be on counseling interaction with the married couple. Practical ways of dealing with life cycle transitions, intimacy, issues in communication, conflict resolution, goal setting and forgiveness will be included. An effort will be made to integrate theories of marital counseling with fundamental theological beliefs. | English |
Crisis Counseling | Counseling | GE 3583/6583 | 3 | As we journey through life, we will experience losses, crises, and some instances of trauma. At times, a crisis may be anticipated, at times, it may occur when we least expect it, nevertheless, its impact is significant. In this course, we will be covering various crisis situations: suicide, grief and loss and the pandemic. It is hoped that through this course we may provide guidance for individuals to be able to better face a crisis as well as to further equip them to support others through a crisis. | English |
Truth Therapy and Healing of the Soul ¹ | Counseling | GE 3903/7903 | 3 | It is the truth that sets us free; lies, even those repeated with nice intentions, will keep even good people in bondage. “... people (even God’s people) perish for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 2:4). This course, students will learn a holistic approach to inner healing, and what makes ‘Truth Therapy’ different from other methods of psychotherapy - particularly due to the way it incorporates Biblical principles. Truth Therapy, properly applied, helps bring intimacy with Jesus, and thus brings healing. | English |
Internship ¹ | Counseling | GE 6253 | 3 | A counseling internship is a unit required in the field of Master of Ministerial Counseling. Students are expected to collect internship hours which involve conducting special projects, counseling hours for groups and individuals, undergo supervision on site to enrich and establish preliminary experiences in the field of mental health for the furtherance of their ministry in the near future | English |
Counseling Research Paper ¹ | Counseling | GE 6263 | 3 | Counseling Research Paper is a required unit in the field of Master of Ministerial counseling. A research paper explains the investigation and answers the research question developed by students. Students are to select a counseling topic of their interest and to undergo vigorous analysis, review of literature and produce a research paper at a postgraduate level. | English |
Trauma-Informed Counseling | Counseling | 3 | This unit covers the understanding of how traumatic incidents that happened to a child, teen or adults would affect one’s emotions, behavior, and spiritual well-being. Students will learn approaches to distinguish various types of trauma, PTSD and CPTSD, as well as understudying how the brain and body and spirit work together towards healing. | English | |
Counseling Research Methods ¹ | Counseling | 3 | This unit exposes students to the mechanics of qualitative research methods as required in the field of Master of ministerial Counseling. Throughout the course, students will learn data collection, qualitative research implementation and analysis. Examples of qualitative studies will be studied to provide a solid understanding on the | English | |
Building and Leading A Transforming Servant Leadership Team ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4203/6203 | 3 | The advancement of artificial intelligence, big data analytics, etc. has fundamentally changed our lives. Because of the complexity we are facing, building and leading effective teams that learn from each other has become an essential skill for leaders. This course is grounded in Biblical values to equip leaders in the Church, parachurch, and marketplace to build and lead a Transforming Servant Leadership Team. Upon completing the course, you will be equipped with a solid foundation and practical know-how for building and leading a team capable of addressing the uncertainty and challenges your organization faces. | English |
Purpose Driven & Result Oriented Leadership | Leadership Development | MN 4223/6223 | 3 | A leader plays a vital role in delivering excellent results, not only for the organizations but also for the people, to their families, and making positive contributions to the entire community networks in the sphere of their influence. In this course, we will learn how to start from ground zero, leading people through various stages of growth, dealing with ups and downs, building up sustaining culture, fulfilling the purposes, reaching beyond the goals and achieving excellent results. | English |
Leading & Managing Christian Ministries & Missions ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4243/6243 | 3 | This module is an interactive workshop that will equip leaders with the knowledge in applying quality & process management principles & practices to improve Christian ministries & mission efficiency & effectiveness. Topics covered include Transformational Leadership, Leading & Managing Change, Strategic Thinking & Planning, Effective Problem Solving & Decision Making, Ministry Process Mapping, and Stakeholder's Experience Mapping. | English |
Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence A Christian Leader | Leadership Development | MN 4263/6263 | 3 | Self-awareness and emotional intelligence are a set of emotional, social, and relational skills that guides the way we perceive, understand, and express ourselves; connect with others; manage interpersonal exchange; cope with challenges; and apply emotional information in an effective, meaningful way. This course will be an in-depth study of the major areas of emotional intelligence and to provide the student with an understanding of the skills necessary for better communication and building relationships with others. | English |
Healthy Leadership | Leadership Development | MN 4283/7283 | 3 | Dealing with changes is constant in today’s hyper-change environment. However, research shows that many change initiatives resulted in failures because people are generally resistant to change. This course provides an understanding of the nature and scope of change before taking on any change initiatives. It will introduce a biblical grounded change diagnosis model to assist change agents to diagnose and determine the right change initiatives. It will also recommend biblically grounded strategic and tactical methods to lead and implement the change initiatives. | English |
Leadership for the Long Haul ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4293/6293 | 3 | Leadership is a journey, not a destination. It is hard and the leader is vulnerable to distractions and temptations. So many leaders do well initially but do not last. So how does a leader ' fly high and last long'? This course will touch on issues that will enable leaders to last the pace and cross the finish line victoriously. Topics covered include The Keys of Successful Leadership, Integrity, How to restore a Fallen Leader, Burnout, and The Heart of a Leader. | English |
Positive Organizational Behavior, Power & Politics | Leadership Development | MN 4343/7243 | 3 | Leading an organization be it a corporation or a church has become more challenging in a world where change is the only constant. Navigating this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment is a core leadership responsibility. This course seeks to address what shapes an organization and what is needed to create a positive culture, how to handle defensive routines that prevent positive progress and derail organization progress, how to leverage the tension that arises from change and transformation for learning and growth, and how to deal with power and politics per se and in an organization. | English |
Quiet Leadership for Reluctant ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4353/6353 | 3 | This course seeks to develop a theology of leadership appropriate for the 21st century. It focuses both on the inner qualities of a leader as well as on some critical leadership tasks, with a special focus on developing and communicating | English |
Leadership Coaching ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4363/6363 | 3 | This Leadership Coaching course aims to build greater self-awareness, enhance perspectives and breakthroughs in mindsets so as to achieve sustainable positive changes in deeply held beliefs, and ultimately behavioral change. Coaching techniques will be complemented with leadership principles to enable participants to be more equipped and effective in their leadership roles and capacity. The development methodology involves focusing on Self, Team & Organizational Leadership. | English |
Leading with Vision And Passion ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4383/6383 | 3 | The study of this topic will be set in the context especially of church leadership although also applicable in the marketplace. It will include discussion on envisioning, strategic thinking, culture and culture change. | English |
Transformational Leadership: Communicating & Leading Change ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4393/7393 | 3 | This course covers the theory and practice of transformational leadership and how it impacts the motivation and performance of volunteers within churches and other organizations. Theories covered include self-determination theory, transactional and transformational leadership theory, and theories of trust and value congruence. The focus of the course is on the practical application of transformational leadership theory and of the other theories addressed. | English |
Global Leaders in A Global World ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4403/7403 | 3 | The Gospel is global and we now live in a world that is more global than ever before. But what does it mean to be a global leader? How do you become a global leader with a global message in your own context? The Gospel, the church and the leader will be discussed in the context of the global world. | English |
Maximizing Leadership Impact to Influence People and Drive Results ¹ | Leadership Development | MN 4413/7413 | 3 | This course takes a practical approach to equip leaders with 3 essential leadership competencies: self-leadership, people leadership and organizational leadership. It covers areas of self-leadership so that the leader has a sense of self-awareness to build on their strengths and bridge their leadership gaps. Participants will also learn key principles to successfully lead and influence others and to build a strategic thinking mindset to drive sustainable organizational goals. The goal is to build leadership confidence, enhance people leadership skills and to develop capabilities to drive positive organizational change. | English |
灵修神学² | Theology | TH 3113/7113 | 3 | 本科目探讨从后使徒时期至今的基督教灵修神学以及基督徒敬虔生活模式,特别关注塑造成熟并建基于圣经基础的个人与群体属灵生命。 | Chinese |
崇拜学² | Theology | TH 3123/7123 | 3 | 本科目探讨基督教会众的崇拜模式,以建立个人崇拜的神学思想及哲理。研究新旧约圣经与教会历史中的崇拜,包括圣礼的独特原素,并福音派、五旬宗及现代灵恩派的崇拜模式。 | Chinese |
亚洲五旬宗神学议题² | Theology | TH 4113/8113 | 3 | 本科目探讨亚洲新兴的五旬宗教会面对之神学、情境和实践议题。亚洲多元化的背景及错综复杂的情境是培育新兴且有动力的五旬宗学者之沃土。课程亦反省及探讨现代新兴议题与神学主题。 | Chinese |
现代神学² | Theology | TH 4343/8343 | 3 | 本科目探讨从文艺复兴运动至二十世纪近代神学的背景及发展趋势,介绍与评析近代神学思潮中之代表性神学家的主要思想。 | Chinese |
基督徒信仰与艺术² | Theology | TH 4373/8373 | 3 | 本科目从哲学的角度分析古典艺术和近代艺术(包括现代媒体和通俗文化),并评估圣经信仰与各种艺术形式(包括建筑学)之间的相互关系。 | Chinese |
旧约背景² | Old Testament | OT 1123/5123 | 3 | 本科目研究旧约时代的历史,宗教和文化,亦探讨考古学之发现。 | Chinese |
出埃及记² | Old Testament | OT 2133/6133 | 3 | 本科目研究本书内容及其神学思想,从而发掘本书作为旧约叙事的中心点及圣经信仰的规范;研究重点包括:拯救、律法及神与祂子民的同在。 | Chinese |
约书亚记² | Old Testament | OT 2163/6163 | 3 | 透过释经研究约书亚书的历史背景、要旨和神学思想。特别关注其在旧约正典中的地位。 | Chinese |
申命记² | Old Testament | OT 2183/6183 | 3 | 本科目研究申命记内容,特别关注本书的要旨、神学思想以及本书与以色列有关的圣约性质等课题。 | Chinese |
智慧文学² | Old Testament | OT 2313/6313 | 3 | 本科目研究箴言、约伯记、传道书及雅歌。分析各书卷的主题信息、神学思想以及其对基督徒思想的影响。 | Chinese |
耶利米书² | Old Testament | OT 3123/7123 | 3 | 本科目研究耶利米书的历史背景、主题信息、神学思想,并选读不同的章节作释经研究。 | Chinese |
以西结书² | Old Testament | OT 3143C/7143C | 3 | 本科目将剖析以西结书的内容、信息和神学思想,亦介绍近代对以西结书研究的不同进路。 | Chinese |
但以理书² | Old Testament | OT 3153/7153 | 3 | 本科目透过释经探讨但以理的生平和信息,特别关注其异象及预言。 | Chinese |
旧约神学² | Old Testament | OT 4113/8113 | 3 | 本科目研究旧约的主要教义与神学主题,特别注重历史背景和渐进性的启示,亦探讨旧约神学历史与进路。 | Chinese |
基督生平² | New Testament | NT 1113/5113 | 3 | 本科目根据符类福音探讨基督生平与事工。强调各卷福音书的独特主题与信息。 | Chinese |
新约背景² | New Testament | NT 1123/5123 | 3 | 本科目透过新约历史背景、政治、社会、经济和文化背景探讨新约圣经文本,亦透过历史架构、包括参考正典与非正典文献、文学、考古资料,以解读新约圣经信息。 | Chinese |
使徒行传² | New Testament | NT 1133/5133 | 3 | 本科目探讨使徒行传,特别关注圣灵在初期教会之诞生与发展过程的工作,并使徒彼得和保罗在初期教会发展史的角色。 | Chinese |
希伯来书² | New Testament | NT 3163/7163 | 3 | 本科目透过释经研究希伯来书,并分析此书与当代犹太教和犹太环境的关系。特别关注书中的基督论、旧约圣经的引用及其在新约圣经的应验。 | Chinese |
教牧书信² | New Testament | NT 3313/7313 | 3 | 本科目透过释经探讨提摩太前后书及提多书,特别关注保罗对教牧领袖之职责和资格的教导。 | Chinese |
启示录² | New Testament | NT 3333/7333 | 3 | 本科目探讨启示录的内容与信息,包括综览本书不同学派的解经法及末世论之神学立场。 | Chinese |
符类福音² | New Testament | NT 4113/8113 | 3 | 本科目特别关注符类福音中关键性的课题及有关的方法论,注重于理解马太福音、马可福音和路加福音的内容、个别独特的主题及信息。 | Chinese |
新约神学² | New Testament | NT 4133/8133 | 3 | 本科目透过新约历史和文化背景探讨新约圣经的主要神学思想和教义。包括综览新约历史、方法论及各学派的假设。 | Chinese |
布道学² | Ministry | MN 1153/5153 | 3 | 本科目研究布道的圣经基础及教会全方位的布道规划,包括个人与群体布道,跟进与栽培事工。实际的布道操练是本科的重要成分。 | Chinese |
属灵领袖学² | Ministry | MN 2123/6123 | 3 | 本科目探讨近代属灵领导趋势所发展出的领导模式与技巧,并从圣经的角度看属灵领导的原则和理念。 | Chinese |
青年事工² | Ministry | MN/CE 2163/6163 | 3 | 认识青年的生活、难题、文化及各方面的发展,以提升对现代青年的了解和牧养。研究青年文化与青年工作者的角色及落实青年事工的策略。 | Chinese |
释经讲道² | Ministry | MN 3123/7123 | 3 | 本科目探讨释经讲道的本质和内容。关注释经讲章的结构及释经信息的传递。 | Chinese |
社关事工与宣教² | Ministry | MN 3133/7133 | 3 | 本科目旨在协助在城市或乡村地区中服事贫穷、残障人士、遭遗弃的幼童等特殊领域的学生。课程也寻求基督教社会关怀事工组织和教会之间搭配的管道。 | Chinese |
建立充满动力的青年事工² | Ministry | MN 3543/7543 | 3 | 本科目提供实用的方法来建立和维持充满动力的青年事工,探讨建立动力青年事工的基本要素。学生将学习如何透过有果效的联结来发展关系,并发掘创意的方法牧养这世代的青年。 | Chinese |
职场事奉² | Ministry | MN 4273/6273 | 3 | 职场提供养家糊口,更是回应神的呼召。工作是事奉,更是敬拜。卓业的表现和美好的人际系,使人人蒙福,神的名得荣耀。工欲善其事,必先利其器,要成为照在人前的光,除了拥有理念,还必须掌握有效的工具方能成事。 | Chinese |
教会和睦领导力的提升 ² | Leadership Development | MN 4213/6213 | 3 | 由于国家的政治和社会缘故,我们都面临冲突,今天的教会在建立“和睦领导力”上面临著巨大挑战。本科目从了解冲突到预防,万一冲突已经发生,该如何去化解,甚至把冲突转化成个人及教会生命成长的动力;假如曾经因冲突受到伤害,本科目也探讨个人及群体如何接受神的医治、疗伤和重建,重新建立一个健康的教会。 | Chinese |
领导学基础:领导学原理与仆人领导 ² | Leadership Development | MN 4233/6233 | 3 | 本科目概述各领导学原理,聚焦仆人领导基础,追溯仆人领导研究史,探讨仆人领导之圣经基础。此入门课程将理清并实用化以圣经为本的仆人领导原理,为整个课程奠定核心根基。 | Chinese |
基督教伦理和决策:对与对的选择² | Leadership Development | MN 4253/6253 | 3 | 伦理决策中最难的不是“对与错”的决策,而是“对与对”的决策,也是教会领袖经常所面对的挑战。基督徒基于爱主和爱教会的心经常建议良多,然而领袖无法一一采用却如何是好?本科目透过圣经原则探讨并提供灵活决策框架,帮助领导者在决定性时刻就个人、团队与组织各层面作出“对与对”选择,以期面面俱到,荣神益人。 | Chinese |
基督教事工组织优化 ² | Leadership Development | MN 4373/6373 | 3 | 本科目旨在培育基督教领袖更有效地治理和优化事工组织。组织优化是一个主动的方略,积极识别、分析和改进流程,并及时消除障碍和浪费。 | Chinese |
更新和变化的团队² | Leadership Development | MN 4433/7433 | 3 | 我们所处的世界,环境瞬息万变,领导者要如何在这错综复杂、变化莫测的时代中颖脱而出,这是现代领袖们的挑战。相比耶稣时代的挑战,祂以一个仆人领导原则,从一小群平民百姓着手建设团队。本科目的主旨是训练学生透视圣经处理冲突技巧、发展和激励团队。课程以学生个人的转化,关系建立、合作谈判和增强团队,赢得他人的信任作为结束。 | Chinese |
个人成长² | General Education | GE 1143 | 3 | 本科目旨在帮助学生检视个人成长历程,探索影响成长的各种因素,借此促进自我认识和接纳,改善与自我及别人的关系。课程透过授课、个人反省、小组互动及生命剧场,引导学生探究原生家庭与个人的关系,了解个人性格、特质,从而重拾自我,重寻神的爱和肯定,活出有目标和充实的人生。 | Chinese |
华人传统与信仰² | General Education | GE 2313/6313 | 3 | 本科目纵览华人传统与信仰的背景和发展,理解其风俗和习惯,以致有效地发展更有效的传福音方法。 | Chinese |
基督化家庭教育² | General Education | GE/CE 2343/6343 | 3 | 本科目研究圣经的婚姻与家庭观;探讨婚姻的定义、婚前的准备、家庭的建立及家庭的培育事工。课程着重于整体家庭单位内不同成员个别的需要、教导及发展,概括教会内以家庭为导向的教育纲领。 | Chinese |
心理咨商的应用理论² | Counselling | GE 3143 | 3 | 本科目旨在介绍各种不同类型的辅导理论模式,包括心理分析模式、案主中心模式、完形模式、认知行为模式、情绪聚焦模式及家庭系统模式。透过在课堂上的角色扮演以及观摩录影的方式,本科目强调运用不同的辅导进路。学生须制作一个模拟辅导的录影,其中须使用两种理论模式,并加上个案分析及报告。学生须以辅导计划书形式来撰写该个案分析。 | Chinese |
婚姻辅导² | Counseling | GE 3193 | 3 | 本科目旨在原理和实践上提升学生的婚姻咨询和辅导技巧。强调与接受辅导者之间的互动关系,并实际的处理人生各阶段的转变、亲密关系、沟通课题、冲突处理、目标设定和饶恕等。课程综合婚姻辅导原理和神学信仰原则。 | Chinese |
心理学概论² | Counseling | GE 3203 | 3 | 本科目将介绍心理学的基本原理和人类外在行为和心理活动的科学研究。学生将在课程中将心理学和基督教信仰作出整合,并将其运用于个人和他人的成长与生活。 | Chinese |
了解与牧养同性吸引者² | Counseling | GE 3333 | 3 | 同性恋是许多基督徒感到不舒服的问题。对一些人来说,这是一场在上帝的真理与向同性恋者延伸爱和恩典之间寻找平衡的斗争。本科目提供关于同性恋的清晰的圣经观点,以及关于教会和信徒在与同性恋者同行中的角色与急需的牧养观点。学生将了解上帝对同性恋者的心意,同时也不妥协祂对圣洁的承诺。圣灵正在转化那些愿意臣服于祂的生命。 | Chinese |
成瘾行为辅导² | Counseling | GE 3353 | 3 | 本科目是成瘾行为的辅导原理和程序入门。探讨网络性爱、性、赌博、购物等上瘾行为;包括从圣经角度看成瘾、药物滥用及上述的成瘾行为。透过多重角色扮演和个案研究,并以圣经中的不同模式加以检验。注重采用符合圣经的辅导程序协助成瘾者重获自由。 | Chinese |
辅导灵命塑造² | Counseling | GE 3433 | 3 | 灵性乃生命之核心价值,与人际关系及心理健康关系紧密,是辅导员必备条件。本科目旨在协助学生探索个人资源为首,后在辅导过程中明锐体察分辨受助者在生活与灵性上的挣扎,有效的运用属灵资源去帮助受助者内心与人际的矛盾,逐渐建立健康的牧养职能。 | Chinese |
人类发展与家庭² | Counseling | GE 3463 | 3 | 本科目从理论层面去了解人在成长阶段中的心理发展,研究人在该阶段中所面对的特有问题,强调家庭在培育其成员成长中所扮演的角色与影响。希望透过此课程让学生更了解受助者的困扰。 | Chinese |
异常心理学² | Counseling | GE 3613 | 3 | 本科目将介绍异常行为/病理的表现形式、发展及探讨鉴别方法与矫治措施。课程目标为帮助学生理解心理障碍的分类、病因、诊断、病程及治疗。学生将了解不同的理论模型对于异常心理成因的解释,基本的精神症状、常见精神疾病和心理障碍。 | Chinese |
创伤辅导² | Counseling | GE 3623 | 3 | 本科目涵盖对发生在儿童、青少年或成人身上的创伤将如何影响一个人的心身灵健康的理解。帮助学生区分不同类型的创伤、创伤后应激障碍和复杂性创伤后压力综合症的方法,并了解生理,心理与灵命如何协助康复的过程。 | Chinese |
哈科米正念躯体心理治疗² | Counseling | GE 3653 | 3 | “Hakomi”是一种以正念为基础,以身体为中心取向的治疗法。本科目帮助学员们理解由创伤及过去关系形成的信念如何影响个体的态度、行为和身体结构各层面,以至于姿势、动作和面部表情受影响。课程也涵盖此疗法的应用,引导来访者更深地认识自己在潜意识的信念及所带来的影响,从中更有效地协助他人的治疗过程。 | Chinese |
性教育辅导² | Counseling | GE 3733 | 3 | 上帝看正确的性教育是美好的,是一种亲密的关系。从孩童时期就应该教育,而父母是最好的教师。不正确的性教育即歪曲圣经教导,如色情网络和传媒。本科目旨在教导学生健康的婚姻及性观念,并探索在教会与社区推展性教育的策略。 | Chinese |
归纳研经法² | General Education | CE 3323/5323 | 3 | 本科目属实用课程,透过学习归纳研经法,发展学生独立释经和教导圣经的技巧。 | Chinese |
新约希腊文入门 | Biblical language studies | BGR 3003/7003 | 3 | 本科目旨在提供学生对新约希腊文的基本认识,并使用相关释经资料的能力。 | Chinese |
希腊文(一) | Biblical language studies | BGR 3013/7013 | 3 | 本科目是新约希腊文的入门课程。讲解希腊文的基本文法,包括拼写方法、音韵、词形和语法。本科目旨在帮助学生建立希腊文词汇,及培养阅读希腊文的能力。 | Chinese |
希腊文(二) | Biblical language studies | BGR 3023/7023 | 3 | 本科目是新约希腊文的入门课程。讲解希腊文的基本文法,包括拼写方法、音韵、词形和语法。本科目旨在帮助学生建立希腊文词汇,及培养阅读希腊文的能力。 | Chinese |
希腊文(三) | Biblical language studies | BGR 3033/7033 | 3 | 本科目是希腊文(一)和希腊文(二)的延续科目。本科目旨在帮助学生进一步了解希腊文的句子结构与文法,并练习希腊文解经。文本批判概论是帮助学生掌握文字资源的运用技巧。同时,本科目也包含释经法概论。 | Chinese |
圣经希伯来文入门 | Biblical language studies | BGR 3003/7003 | 3 | 本科目是旨在提供学生对圣经希伯来文的基本认识,帮助学生了解圣经希伯来文的主要元素。本科目也会使用数种希伯来文工具,以方便学生释经和圣经研究。 | Chinese |
圣经希伯来文(一) | Biblical language studies | BHE 3013/7013 | 3 | 本科目采用旧约圣经原文、古希伯来文或圣经希伯来文,让学生掌握希伯来文的拼写法、音韵学、词法和句法。课程也强调希伯来文语法和词汇发展基础。 | Chinese |
圣经希伯来文(二) | Biblical language studies | BHE 3023/7023 | 3 | 本科目采用旧约圣经原文、古希伯来文或圣经希伯来文,让学生掌握希伯来文的拼写法、音韵学、词法和句法。课程也强调希伯来文语法和词汇发展基础。 | Chinese |
圣经希伯来文(三) | Biblical language studies | BHE 3033/7033 | 3 | 本科目将选定经文作为希伯来文阅读文字。这主要是加强学生阅读希伯来语的经验和对词汇的认识。 | Chinese |
旧约综览 | Old Testament | OT 1003/5003 | 3 | 本科目综览旧约圣经之内容、各书卷主题、特色及各书卷之间的关系。 | Chinese |
圣地人文地理 | Old Testament | OT 1113/5113 | 3 | 本科目旨在帮助学生熟悉圣地,包括其历史、地理、文化和古以色列的影响力。古以色列研究分成两部分,即其社会历史和信仰。课程内容也包括研究古希伯来思维、世界观以及对数字和异象的热爱。 | Chinese |
旧约解经 | Old Testament | OT 2003/6003 | 3 | 预修:完成至少 20 学分包括旧约综览本科目研究释经学之重要性及原则。特别关注旧约各类文体的释经技巧,包括综览释经学发展史。 | Chinese |
创世记 | Old Testament | OT 2113/6113 | 3 | 从历史及教义的角度研究并探讨书中之年代、创造论、人类的堕落、洪水、太古文明及其后的世界文明、家谱及族长等课题。 | Chinese |
撒母耳记上下 | Old Testament | OT 2173/6173 | 3 | 本科目旨在研究以色列与耶和华的立约关系,并分析以色列在其历史传统中衍生的神学观。 | Chinese |
诗篇 | Old Testament | OT 2333/6333 | 3 | 本科目旨在研读诗篇的文学结构、神学教导和正典规范。同时也着重不同类型诗篇的诠释与证道方法。 | Chinese |
以赛亚书 | Old Testament | OT 3113/7113 | 3 | 本科目研究以赛亚书的历史背景、神学主题,尤其着重书中之弥赛亚预言和末世信息。 | Chinese |
新约综览 | New Testament | NT 1003/5003 | 3 | 本科目综览新约圣经之内容、各书卷主题、特色及各书卷之间的关系。 | Chinese |
新约解经 | New Testament | NT 2003/6003 | 3 | 预修:完成至少 20 学分包括新约综览和旧约解经本科目研究释经原则和方法,掌握与熟悉作者的原意以及经文对现代信徒的意义。 | Chinese |
马可福音 | New Testament | NT 2123/6123 | 3 | 本科目透过释经探讨马可福音,特别关注书中的神学思想、教训及意义。 | Chinese |
约翰福音 | New Testament | NT 2143/6143 | 3 | 本科目透过分析和释经深入探讨约翰福音的结构、逻辑争议、年代、词汇类别、主题、目的和神学观,并从福音书作者的角度探讨耶稣基督的生命、性格和服侍。 | Chinese |
罗马书 | New Testament | NT 2153/6153 | 3 | 本科目从神学和教义的角度探讨罗马书,特别研究其主要主题及对近代基督徒的意义。 | Chinese |
哥林多前书 | New Testament | NT 2163/6163 | 3 | 本科目探讨哥林多前书的历史背景及当时教会面对的各种课题之解决方案,并其对现代教会生活实践的教导。 | Chinese |
监狱书信 | New Testament | NT 3113/7113 | 3 | 本科目透过分析与释经研究监狱书信(以弗所书、腓立比书、歌罗西书、腓利门书),关注各书卷的神学主题以及其对现代基督徒生活实践的教导。 | Chinese |
耶稣的比喻 | New Testament | NT 4123/5123 | 3 | 本科目深入研究一些选定的耶稣的比喻,包括研讨其解经历史、比喻在于耶稣事工上的功能、并深思其对于新约神学和释经上的挑战。探讨今日在教导和证道上对于比喻的使用,让学生从第一世纪的犹太人环境中了解耶稣的比喻,应用于在生命和事工上所面对的情景。 | Chinese |
五旬宗基要教义 | Theology | TH 1003/5003 | 3 | 本科目探讨现代五旬宗复兴的历史及神学根源,尤其是美国神召会的历史发展。特别关注马来西亚神召会的历史及事工,并对其信仰立场有清楚和正面的认识。 | Chinese |
神、启示、人 | Theology | TH 2013/6013 | 3 | 本科目探讨启示论与圣经论,神的属性与神的存在,人类的起源、堕落与本质。 | Chinese |
基督论与救赎论 | Theology | TH 2023/6023 | 3 | 本科目探讨神的拣选、恩约、基督的位格与工作、重生、悔改、信心、称义、嗣养、成圣及得荣耀等教义。 | Chinese |
教会论与末世论 | Theology | TH 2033/6033 | 3 | 本科目探讨有关教会的教义:教会的本质、权柄和使命,包括教会崇拜、圣礼、祷告、上帝的国与教会的关系,以及末世的教义。 | Chinese |
圣灵论 | Theology | TH 2043/6043 | 3 | 本科目探讨圣灵的位格、工作并有关圣灵的教义,包括从五旬宗信仰观点探讨圣灵的浸、说方言为初步凭据、属灵恩赐的本质和功用、圣灵的果子及属灵争战等课题。 | Chinese |
基督教伦理学 | Theology | TH 3023/7023 | 3 | 本科目从基督教信仰观点探讨现代社会的伦理问题,特别关注基督徒个人伦理与道德观。研讨课题包括离婚、堕胎、安乐死、基因控制、性关系、战争、种族歧视、生态学、工作、个人生活方式、社会责任等。 | Chinese |
灵修神学 | Theology | TH 3133/7133 | 3 | 本科目探讨从后使徒时期至今的基督教灵修神学以及基督徒敬虔生活模式,特别关注塑造成熟并建基于圣经基础的个人与群体属灵生命。 | Chinese |
福音、教会与文化 | Theology | TH 4323/7323 | 3 | 本科目旨在提高和加强福音与教会和文化之间的关系,帮助学生探索对于福音逐渐失去敏锐的世界中来跟随耶稣的真正含义。通过研究世界观,作为理解文化及查考当今亚洲社会文化环境所塑造出来的主导思想的工具。学生将接触到世界观的思维以鉴赏受文化条件调和的信念和行为,具体讨论这对教会和其使命的意义。 | Chinese |
灵命塑造 | Ministry | MN 1013/5013 | 3 | 本科目关注基督徒领袖的品格塑造及生命培育的需要。探讨促使灵命成长的动力,包括个人灵命成长与更新的因素。 | Chinese |
地方教会与宣教 | Ministry | MN/MS 1213/5213 | 3 | 本科目研究地方教会在本土和世界宣教的角色。重点在于帮助学生了解宣教的圣经基础、历史和文化课题,并以牧养的角度发展和落实有效的宣教策略。 | Chinese |
讲道学 | Ministry | MN 2013/6014 | 3 | 预修:旧约解经和新约解经 认识讲道事奉的重要、讲道的基本原则与要领,学习宣讲圣经之原则与方法,并操练讲章之准 备、口语表达之技巧。堂上讲道实习是此科的必须要求。 | Chinese |
实地教育 | Ministry | MN 2113/6113 | 3 | 本科目综合学问和实用事工技巧。学生在监督者的引导之下,将有机会透过事工岗位发展事奉能 力。 | Chinese |
属灵领袖学 | Ministry | MN 2123/6123 | 3 | 本科目探讨近代属灵领导趋势所发展出的领导模式与技巧,并从圣经的角度看属灵领导的原则和理念。 | Chinese |
植堂 | Ministry | MN 2133/6133 | 3 | 本科目简介植堂的圣经原则与实践,并以圣经模式和原则为基本基础及指南,探讨今日拓荒与植堂的方法和途径。 | Chinese |
冲突处理 | Ministry | MN/GE 2183/6184 | 3 | 个人、家庭、会众和社区生活中的冲突是基督教事工中持续存在的问题。本科目从个人和教牧的角度,以体验、神学和教牧的进路来管理、解决、转化和运用冲突。 | Chinese |
崇拜事工 | Ministry | MN 2253/6253 | 3 | 本科目注重教会崇拜事工的意义和动力,包括带领有果效的赞美敬拜练习或排练,以及妥当预备和安排崇拜聚会。探讨课题涵盖:领导小组崇拜的挑战、崇拜与音乐以及祷告与布道之间的独特关联。概括一览牧者与敬拜主领及崇拜团队之间重要的关系,协助学生对于不同形式之崇拜表达方式有更深入的认识、理解和赞赏。 | Chinese |
教牧事工 | Ministry | MN 3013/7013 | 3 | 本科目探讨基督教的事奉哲学、传道人的灵命塑造及事奉趋势的演变。注重牧养的功能与职责。本科旨在提升学生的牧养能力,装备学生有效实践牧养事工。 | Chinese |
领导学与管理 | Ministry | MN/GE 3023/7023 | 3 | 本科目注重领导的角色,提升领导能力与团队管理。塑造优秀的决策者、开发有效的沟通技巧、组织策略和授权能力。 | Chinese |
教牧辅导 | Ministry | MN 3033/7033 | 3 | 本科目提供符合圣经真理的辅导,从圣经观点探索人的心理运作以了解人类问题的根源。透过个案研究协助当事人在个人的问题中达至灵命的成熟。 | Chinese |
儿童事工 | Ministry | MN 3333/7333 | 3 | 本科目旨在帮助学生更有效地服侍儿童,并注重教导儿童敬拜、祷告、相关神学概念、圣经真理、社会风气对儿童的影响和儿童特别需要的属灵观。课程也会按照年龄组别提供儿童事工教学法和活动内容。 | Chinese |
目标与结果导向的领导力 | Leadership Development | MN 4223/6223 | 3 | 领袖在达致卓越成绩方面扮演着重要角色,领袖的影响力也包括对个人、家庭和在整个社区中作出贡献。本科目将认识仆人领导力和学习领导者要如何有效地从零开始,带领团队超前部署,成功地经营各个成长阶段,应对各种不同的挑战,建立永续发展卓越的组织,从优秀到卓越,荣神益人。 | Chinese |
自我认知与情商 | Leadership Development | MN 4263/6263 | 3 | 现今社会各个阶层都面对心理平衡发展的挑战。一个基本的问题是我们如何处理对事物环境情况的认知,所产生的情绪管理,及彼此之间的互动。本科目采取循序渐进的学程,先从了解情绪管理以及同理心的模型及框架为基础,探讨并学习记录在新约福音书里的耶稣基督的榜样,以至于应用在自身所面对的现状及挑战上的实践。 | Chinese |
健康领导力 | Leadership Development | MN 4283/7283 | 3 | 在当今高度转化的环境,应对变革是不变原则。许多的研究报告指出,大多数变革过程都是以失败收场,因为人们一般上抗拒变革的。本科目帮助学生了解变革的性质和范围,介绍以圣经为基础的变革评估和诊断工具,以帮助领导者找出需变革的地方和解决方案,同时提供以圣经为原则的方式、方法,以带领变革的过程。 | Chinese |
健康组织行为学、权势与政治 | Leadership Development | MN 4343/7243 | 3 | 当转型变革已经成为不变的道理时,领导组织,不管是企业或教会都更具挑战。要驾驭这种不稳定、不确定、复杂和模糊的现象是领袖主要领导的责任。本科目将传达组织如何定型、创立正面文化的需要、如何攻破破坏组织和拦阻组织进步的伎俩、如何利用紧张局势,从更新和变革中激发成长和学习,以及如何处理组织中的权势和政治斗争。 | Chinese |
神学研究与写作 | General Education | GE 1003/5003 | 3 | (前称“专文写作 / 神学研究方法”)本科目引导学员理解学术研究方法论,如何撰写并呈现研究专文、文章与书评。 | Chinese |
教会历史综览 | General Education | GE 1213/5213 | 3 | 本科目纵览基督教教会历史,关注其重大事件和发展,如:初期教会的神学发展、修道院的贡献、中世纪的经院哲学、改教时期、启蒙时期以及近代福音派、五旬宗与灵恩运动的兴起。 | Chinese |
教学原理 | General Education | GE/CE 2013 | 3 | 本科目属教学实用基础课程。研究教学的圣经基础、教学在基督教事工所扮演的角色、教学与学习过程的方法及基本原则。提供课堂教学实习,以提升学生的教学技能。 | Chinese |
宗教与异端 | General Education | GE 2023/6023 | 3 | 本科目探讨世界各大宗教。关注本国的宗教与异端教派,探索基督教与其他宗教的异同。 | Chinese |
教会与法律 | General Education | GE 3013/7013 | 3 | 本科目介绍马来西亚基本法律体制下教会的基本法律架构。内容包括合法的管理程序、会议法则 (Robert’s Rules of Order) 及影响教会的现有法令。 | Chinese |
教学原理与方法 | General Education | GE/CE 6013 | 3 | 本科目研究教学与学习过程的教学方法和策略。实际训练教案设计、呈现和课程评估。 | Chinese |
基本辅导技巧 | Counselling | GE 3233 | 3 | 本科目旨在帮助学生以同理心和非指导方式发展有效的协助与人际交往能力。了解咨询的过程,包括如何专业和良好地组织,概念化,及策划个案,并使用基本辅导技巧技能来协助个案迈向改变。 | Chinese |
辅导神学基础 | Counselling | GE 3253 | 3 | 本科目提供辅导的神学基础,让学生从牧养的角度更全面的看待心理咨询的性质、作用和目的。课程综合心理学与神学,触及人格、罪与救赎等课题。本科目旨在装备学员具备审核辅导与教导、证道、牧养、门训、帮助人等基督教活动的异同。 | Chinese |
辅导实习(一) | Counselling | GE 3273 | 3 | 课程要求:已完成三分之二课程 本科目旨在引导学生综合课堂所学的知识与技能,用实际的步骤实践在临床个案中。透过个人及小组督导,帮助学生有效地处理个案,以及为学生建设一个互相支持与相互督导。 | Chinese |
辅导实习(二) | Counselling | GE 3283 | 3 | 课程要求:已经完成三分之二课程本科目是为加深辅导实习(一)所学习的发展和实用技巧。学生将学习把辅导案件概念化、案件文字记录和作为辅导员,如何深入个人领域。同时,学生在主持辅导会议时,也借此自我评估和自我成长。学生也需在接受监督下,完成与辅导对象面谈的实体辅导要求。 | Chinese |
辅导主要课题 | Counselling | GE 3413 | 3 | 本科目对协助者在辅导过程中可能面对的多种课题进行广泛的概述。这些课题通常是社区中许多人的咨询重点。它为应对这些课题的敏感性和帮助他人应对他们所处的情况提供了有效的基础及理解。 | Chinese |
儿童与青少年课题 | Counselling | GE 3443 | 3 | 本科目探讨儿童和青少年发展天性和实用辅导。教导和评估不同的发展理论以及以合乎伦理的方法治疗不同年龄层儿童的人际关系。 | Chinese |
青年课题 | Counselling | GE 3453 | 3 | 本科目涵盖青年在21世纪所面对的挑战。探索青少年的定义和他们的社会地位,讨论课题包括青少年自我认识阶段、社会重要议题如就业、科技、家庭状态改变、青少年情绪、社会和心理需要。本科目要求学生掌握和能运用辅导技巧帮助青少年。 | Chinese |
家庭辅导 | Counselling | GE 3483 | 3 | 本科目涵盖家庭治疗法、主要家庭干预模式、辅导技巧与理论以及针对家庭环境采用的辅导原则。本科也包括家庭结构和进程理论、指导原则和表达策略,以及接触和联系家庭的技巧。 | Chinese |
配偶和婚姻辅导 | Counselling | GE 3493 | 3 | 本科目旨在帮助学生发展婚姻辅导技巧理论与应用,并强调辅导夫妻之间的互动关系。应用方面包括生命周期的转变、亲密关系、沟通课题、冲突解决方案、目标设定和饶恕。课程也提供的婚姻辅导理论也会结合信仰神学基础。 | Chinese |
冲突辅导 | Counselling | GE 3583 | 3 | 在人生旅程中,我们都会经历失去、危机和一些创伤。有时危机是可以预期的,有时却发生在我们最意想不到的时候,而它产生的影响却是明显的。本科目涵盖数个危机情况,如自杀、失去的哀痛和大流行病症,希望透过课程提供指南,帮助学生面对本身的危机和协助他们面对危机。 | Chinese |
Bible College of Malaysia subscribes to the Statement of Truths of the Assemblies of God summarized as follows:
We believe:
the Bible is the inspired Word of God, the infallible rule of faith and conduct for all men.
there is one God, eternally existent in three persons–Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
in the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His visible future return to earth to rule for a thousand years.
in the rapture of the Church at Christ’s return to this earth; this is the blessed and living hope of all believers.
by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin: and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.
the only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the cleansing power of the blood of Christ.
regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
by Christ’s atoning death on the Cross, healing for the human body is available in answer to faith and prayer.
in the baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4, which may be received by all believers for effective life and service.
in the dwelling sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit which enables the Christian to live a holy life.
in the bodily resurrection of the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting punishment.
The Bible College of Malaysia (BCM) traces its humble roots to an American missionary couple, Delmer and Eleanor Guynes, who were sent to Malaysia to serve God in the 1950s. Initially established as the Bible Institute of Malaya, the college officially opened its doors in 1960 and in 1962, the first batch of students consisting of four men and three women became the first graduates.
As an education institution, BCM’s primary mission is to equip and provide holistic training to men and women called by God so that they may advance the gospel of our Lord effectively with their God-given gifts – in Malaysia and beyond.
In 1982, the college was renamed the Bible College of Malaysia with the introduction of the Bachelor of Theology program. Seeing the need for more lay leaders, the Certificate of Biblical Studies was introduced in 1986. As demand grew for higher-tertiary Christian studies, a suite of Master programs was introduced in 2004.
All programs were initially in English. Between 1968 and 1972, under the leadership of Rev David and Alice Nyien, certain programs were made available in Chinese. In 1980, a full-fledged Chinese faculty was established. Today, the Chinese faculty offers a full suite of programs from Bachelor to Master to Counseling programs.
Strategically located in Malaysia, the paramount focus is to equip more local native speakers. As the need arose, Rev Peter Wong, Rev Ng Kok Kee and Rev Wendy Ching established the Bahasa Malaysia faculty in 2003. The faculty offered a Diploma of Theology and subsequently, a Bachelor of Theology.
Our experienced and caring teaching faculty come from diverse backgrounds of ministry and missionary experience. Not only will their academic expertise stretch and deepen your biblical knowledge and thinking, but their life experience in the field provides practical application for holistic learning. See our Academic Team.
In the 60 years since its establishment, BCM has trained over 1000 ministers for Christ. Among them are 700 full-time ministers, 200 bi-vocational pastors or lay leaders in the workplace, 14 missionaries, 9 parachurch workers, 31 social concern workers and 5 evangelists.
Tapping into the robust network and ecosystem at BCM, some alumni are itinerant preachers. Among the people trained at BCM, many of them go forth to fulfill their calling in different parts of the world; Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Japan, China, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, and the United Kingdom.
BCM graduates are highly regarded in the Christian community. Graduates work nationwide and overseas as church pastors, missionaries, in university ministries and para-church organizations, or return to the workforce for ministry opportunities and are more equipped to serve in the local church.