The BCM Experience
October 26, 2022 2022-11-02 14:08The BCM Experience
The BCM experience
As a BCM student, you will be enriched in every area of your life as you grow in the faith.
Hear from some of our students as they share their very own BCM Experience.
Derick Wong
To me, one of the reasons why campus life was amazing is because I was able to do life together with a group of like-minded people, whether it was a time of studying, serving, or just having fun.
But halfway through my study, there was a global pandemic and the world was in lockdown.
Many things need to be readjusted and hence, I had to convert my status to become a part-time student. Classes became online and many activities were restricted. At that time, things were challenging, but with God, I managed to pull through.
The experiences that I gained in BCM helped shaped my character as a person and developed my competency as a minister of God. The academic courses trained my mind to think critically and broadened my perspectives. The practical ministries refined my skills, making me effective in serving the LORD. Performing chores that appear trivial moulded my character to become Christ-like. Having leisure activities ensured my well-being was maintained in a healthy state. Friendships that were forged became my strong support system in times of hardship.
Most importantly, my walk with God experienced tremendous breakthroughs. I became more intimate with God. My love for God’s Word grew and my prayer life improved. I gained a deeper and richer understanding of God. My faith in God became stronger.
All in all, BCM has impacted my life greatly and it is a place where one can grow holistically. May God continue to use BCM to equip His people, to do His will, for His glory!
Christal Lee
The courses and training offered by BCM were comprehensive. BCM provides holistic training to equip students in theology and leadership skills, also training our character and behavior in spiritual disciplines.
I have enjoyed the chapel services at BCM over the years. I have heard the word of God from different speakers, and I have learned and been encouraged by their lives and ministries. The opportunity for students to preach in chapel services has helped me to gain experience and sharpen my preaching skills before going into ministry.
As a result of the counselling program, I have gained the ability to minister to my church members when they face difficulties or difficulties in their personal lives – past or present. Even more valuable is that I have grown to know myself better through these courses. I have been physically and spiritually healed from the trauma I experienced as a child and I have learned to apply self-care to better manage the stresses of life.
As I have my devotion time with God in the natural environment, I enjoy sitting on the swing, worshipping and waiting upon the Lord, and hearing from Him, which helps me develop a self-disciplined life and develop a close relationship with Him. My sermon-sharing insight comes primarily from my personal walk with God. The Ministry team and mission trips are some of my favorite things about BCM, as they provide me with the opportunity to minister in Malaysian churches and even abroad.
One of the greatest blessings I received from BCM was the support from the lecturers and the friendships I built with the students. In seminary, I saw people serving, growing, learning, and loving one another, regardless of the language department. Living in a residential community and praying together is something I enjoyed as a student. We laugh and cried together, and we celebrated life together and supported each other.
Thank you BCM for preparing me to be a great blessing to others.
Jesslyn Ong
Full-time students get the chance to be involved in various committees, preach and serve in chapel services, and take part in mission trips. Although people may see it as an additional stress and burden, it is through those platforms I gained a lot of hands-on experiences, it encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and take up challenges one after another, and the lecturers journeyed as mentors with me as I grew in BCM.
Being a full-time student, you also get a full bonding experience with other students on campus. It taught me the importance of friendship, and how important it is to have a support group in the field.
People may say “ministry is a lonely journey”, but I would say, “it doesn’t have to be that way”.
BCM taught me to open up myself and invite people to journey along with me as I walk the path of serving God full-time. Because the friends that I made in BCM are also comrades in the ministry, they too are walking the same path as I am.
Even though we may not meet as often as before, we still cherish those moments of bonding and growth we had together in BCM to this day. When there are ups and downs in the ministry, even times when life hits you hard, you know there are people you can turn to, people who understand the journey, because we are in it together.
It doesn’t have to be a lonely journey when you are part of a community of people who are there to motivate and support one another, celebrate together at the highest peak, and mourn together in the lowest depth. This bond and love that I received in this community also inspired me to want to build that kind of bonding in my ministry.
I would like to end here with our favorite verse from the BCM Anthem.
And when we asunder part
Bearing light to the lost of our land
We shall still be joined in heart
BCM far or near one band