Bible College Of Malaysia Preparing Lives For Ministry Wed, 06 Dec 2023 09:33:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bible College Of Malaysia 32 32 《音为有您,喜乐传承》 Wed, 06 Dec 2023 09:33:37 +0000 敬爱的牧者/传道/教会领袖/BCM 校友/BCM 之友:·BCM 校友联谊会委员向您问安!·在过去 61 年里, 马来西亚圣经学院( BCM) 一直致力于“装备服事” ( Preparing Lives for Ministry) 的使命。迄今为止, BCM 已培训了超过一千多位毕业生, 散布在马来西亚和世界各地。 感谢神,秉持着装备及传承的精神, BCM 将继续培育更多的工人进入上帝的禾场。·鉴于此, BCM 已启动了一项扩建校园的设备, 盼望您能够参与并支持我们。 BCM 校友联谊会即将于 2024 年 1 月 21 日的傍晚 7 点,在 BCM 礼堂举行校园筹款音乐会。 本次音乐会的主题将是《音为有您,喜乐传承》。·参与演出的义演嘉宾有(排名不分先后):·张秀梅牧师陈振亿牧师何海山牧师黄燕萍牧师林文荪林长金陈依依林静苗汤小康庄振和牧师·您可通过以下方式支持这项校园筹款音乐会:·1. 出席音乐会: 本次音乐会的门票价格如下:楼上座位: RM158;楼下座位: RM188。购票请点击以下链接:·2. 推广活动: 在教会协助宣传这次的音乐会,鼓励会友们出席和参与。在此附上音乐会的宣传单张,一起广传。·3. 财务支持: 您的奉献,无论款项大小,将对 BCM 未来的走向及发展达到关键性的提升。·乐捐可通过网络过账或支票请注明: Public Bank Account 3126997726欲知有关此次筹款音乐会的更多详情, 请透过以下资讯随时与我们联系: 林守恩牧师 Ps Titus Lim 016 – 414 1225(马佩佩牧师 Rev Amelia Beh 012 – 975 1260(·您的支持对我们来说意义重大, 盼望您继续与我们携手, 为我们的使命共同奋斗。 Greetings from BCM Alumni Fellowship! Over the last 61 years, BCM has been committed to its mission of “Preparing Lives for Ministry.” To date, BCM has trained over 1,000 graduates, many of whom are actively serving in different churches and ministries throughout Malaysia and around the world. Through BCM’s effective training programmes, many pastors, leaders and workers have been well equipped for service. We have alumni serving in leadership roles overseas. Clearly, BCM has been a great blessing and will continue to bless Malaysian churches through training future pastors and leaders. In order to serve the church in a greater capacity and to meet increasing ministry demands, BCM has embarked on a buildingproject. To support this initiative, the BCM Alumni Fellowship Committee is organising a fundraising concert (in Mandarin) with an aim to raise RM100,000 for the cause. Join us for a night of music and song! JOYFUL MELODY, BEAUTIFUL LEGACYA BCM Fundraising Concert (Mandarin)21 January 2024 | 7PM | BCM AuditoriumTickets: RM188 (Ground Floor), RM158 (First Floor) To purchase your ticket, click here: We also seek your help to promote the event to your family and friends, or make a contribution in support of BCM’s new building if you aren’t able to make it. We are thankful for your partnership, and look forward to seeing you on 21 January! For more information, please contact:Ps Titus Lim 016 – 414 1225( Amelia Beh 012 – 975 1260( In Christ, 李达恩牧师博士 Rev Dr Victor Lee Tat Yan(BCM 院长 President) 王美玲牧师 Rev. Ong Bee Leng(BCM 校友联谊会主席 President of BCM Alumni Fellowship)

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敬爱的牧者/传道/教会领袖/BCM 校友/BCM 之友:
BCM 校友联谊会委员向您问安!
在过去 61 年里, 马来西亚圣经学院( BCM) 一直致力于“装备服事” ( Preparing Lives for Ministry) 的使命。迄今为止, BCM 已培训了超过一千多位毕业生, 散布在马来西亚和世界各地。 感谢神,秉持着装备及传承的精神, BCM 将继续培育更多的工人进入上帝
鉴于此, BCM 已启动了一项扩建校园的设备, 盼望您能够参与并支持我们。 BCM 校友联谊会即将于 2024 年 1 月 21 日的傍晚 7 点,在 BCM 礼堂举行校园筹款音乐会。 本次音乐会的主题将是《音为有您,喜乐传承》。
1. 出席音乐会: 本次音乐会的门票价格如下:楼上座位: RM158;楼下座位: RM188。
2. 推广活动: 在教会协助宣传这次的音乐会,鼓励会友们出席和参与。在此附上音乐会
3. 财务支持: 您的奉献,无论款项大小,将对 BCM 未来的走向及发展达到关键性的提升。
乐捐可通过网络过账或支票请注明: Public Bank Account 3126997726欲知有关此次筹款音乐会的更多详情, 请透过以下资讯随时与我们联系:

林守恩牧师 Ps Titus Lim 016 – 414 1225(
马佩佩牧师 Rev Amelia Beh 012 – 975 1260(
您的支持对我们来说意义重大, 盼望您继续与我们携手, 为我们的使命共同奋斗。

Greetings from BCM Alumni Fellowship! Over the last 61 years, BCM has been committed to its mission of “Preparing Lives for Ministry.” To date, BCM has trained over 1,000 graduates, many of whom are actively serving in different churches and ministries throughout Malaysia and around the world.

Through BCM’s effective training programmes, many pastors, leaders and workers have been well equipped for service. We have alumni serving in leadership roles overseas.

Clearly, BCM has been a great blessing and will continue to bless Malaysian churches through training future pastors and leaders. In order to serve the church in a greater capacity and to meet increasing ministry demands, BCM has embarked on a building

To support this initiative, the BCM Alumni Fellowship Committee is organising a fundraising concert (in Mandarin) with an aim to raise RM100,000 for the cause. Join us for a night of music and song!

A BCM Fundraising Concert (Mandarin)
21 January 2024 | 7PM | BCM Auditorium
Tickets: RM188 (Ground Floor), RM158 (First Floor)

To purchase your ticket, click here:

We also seek your help to promote the event to your family and friends, or make a contribution in support of BCM’s new building if you aren’t able to make it. We are thankful for your partnership, and look forward to seeing you on 21 January!

For more information, please contact:
Ps Titus Lim 016 – 414 1225(
Rev Amelia Beh 012 – 975 1260(

In Christ,

李达恩牧师博士 Rev Dr Victor Lee Tat Yan
(BCM 院长 President)

王美玲牧师 Rev. Ong Bee Leng
(BCM 校友联谊会主席 President of BCM Alumni Fellowship)

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植堂的呼召与时机 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 03:09:47 +0000 日期:2024年1月6日,星期六时间:10.00am – 4.00pm 奉献:RM 50 1974年布道家葛培理发动普世宣教会议,后称为洛桑运动(Lausanne Movement),第四届洛桑会议将于2024年韩国举办。世界神召会于2023年启动了MM33异象,就是当全世界纪念耶稣升天以及五旬节圣灵降临2000年之际(即2033年),在全世界建立100万间神召会教会。此课程便是回应普世宣教运动以及神召会MM33的异象,特邀资深牧者王祖祥牧师、司徒伟南牧师、陈宏富牧师和黄珮珊牧师,探讨地方教会的植堂角色、时机以及推动,并分享他们的植堂经验。 注册链接: Click Here 欲知详情, 请联络 | 012-6863602

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时间:10.00am – 4.00pm

奉献:RM 50

1974年布道家葛培理发动普世宣教会议,后称为洛桑运动(Lausanne Movement),

注册链接: Click Here

欲知详情, 请联络 | 012-6863602

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BCM Counseling Conference 2023 Sat, 21 Oct 2023 01:00:34 +0000 We are excited to announce our 1st BCM counseling conference 2023 – Burnout prevention summit which will be held on the 18th of November. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the word burnout is define by three main dimensions:(I) Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion(II) Increased mental distance from one’s job, feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job(III) Reduced professional efficacy For more information on the conference schedule and registration, kindly view our conference poster as attached. Contribution fee to the bank details below:Public BankBible College of Malaysia3126 9977 26 Registration will only be completed once you have emailed your payment slip to See you at the conference. Link to registration: 主里平安!愿主的恩惠常伴随着您。 很荣幸可以与大家分享此事 – 马来西亚圣经学院 (BCM) 将在今年11月份(11月18日)举办我们首次的心理辅导大会! 此大会的焦点课题是理解及预防倦怠(或职业倦怠;Burnout)。倦怠可以简单被理解为因长期的压力及缺乏资源应对而产生了对心身灵的影响,导致个人感到疲倦无力,对多事都失去兴趣及动力。若您对此课题感兴趣,鼓励您马上报名!您也可以与您身边的基督徒朋友及会友分享,鼓励及邀请他们报名参加,相信大家都能从中获益。 大会的详情附在海报及表格里,若您有任何疑问,请联系我们。 奉献费用可转给以下的银行户口:Public BankBible College of Malaysia3126 9977 26 请电邮您的收据给 感恩您一直对我们学院的支持,愿主的平安常伴随您。 注册的链接:

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We are excited to announce our 1st BCM counseling conference 2023 – Burnout prevention summit which will be held on the 18th of November.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the word burnout is define by three main dimensions:
(I) Feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion
(II) Increased mental distance from one’s job, feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job
(III) Reduced professional efficacy

For more information on the conference schedule and registration, kindly view our conference poster as attached.

Contribution fee to the bank details below:
Public Bank
Bible College of Malaysia
3126 9977 26

Registration will only be completed once you have emailed your payment slip to

See you at the conference.

Link to registration:


很荣幸可以与大家分享此事 – 马来西亚圣经学院 (BCM) 将在今年11月份(11月18日)举办我们首次的心理辅导大会!



Public Bank
Bible College of Malaysia
3126 9977 26




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BCM Souvenir 2023 Thu, 27 Apr 2023 02:56:39 +0000 The post BCM Souvenir 2023 appeared first on Bible College Of Malaysia.


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Pentecostal Conference 2023 Mon, 10 Apr 2023 03:45:47 +0000 Theme: Paradoxes of the Spirit: Towards a Holistic Pentecostal Spirituality Talk 1: Pentecostal Spirituality as Institutional and Charismatic Talk 2: Pentecostal Spirituality as Centrifugal and Centripetal Talk 3: Pentecostal Spirituality as Kergymatic and SacramentalMain Speaker: Rev. Dr Simon Chan Launch of the inaugural Malaysian Pentecostal Journal, festschrift in honour of Rev. Dr Delmar Guynes.  Presentations: Pentecostal Missions by Rev. Dr Chan Nam Chen and Pentecostal Worship by Dr Leon Lim More information here:

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Theme: Paradoxes of the Spirit: Towards a Holistic Pentecostal Spirituality

Talk 1: Pentecostal Spirituality as Institutional and Charismatic

Talk 2: Pentecostal Spirituality as Centrifugal and Centripetal

Talk 3: Pentecostal Spirituality as Kergymatic and SacramentalMain Speaker: Rev. Dr Simon Chan

Launch of the inaugural Malaysian Pentecostal Journal, festschrift in honour of Rev. Dr Delmar Guynes. 

Presentations: Pentecostal Missions by Rev. Dr Chan Nam Chen and Pentecostal Worship by Dr Leon Lim

More information here:

  • Date: 18 & 19 July 2023
  • Time: 9.30 am to 4.00 pm (Note: 9.00 am – arrival of participants)
  • Venue: Bible College of Malaysia 
  • Address: 99 Jalan Gasing, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
  • Organiser: Malaysia Pentecostal Research Centre, Bible College of Malaysia
  • Contact Person: Dr Eva Wong  
  • Mobile: +60172009573  Email:
  • Register here:

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Mengenal Kultus-Kultus Sun, 05 Mar 2023 12:41:36 +0000 Apakah itu kultus? Apabila kita mendengar perkataan “kultus” kita selalu berfikir tentang sebuah kumpulan, korban-korban atau pengamal rutual-ritual tertentu. Melalui seminar ini, pengenalan akan kultus-kultus yang ada di Malaysia amnya dengan tumpuan kepada ajaran dan reaksi berdasarkan Alkitab 25 Mac 202310.00am-4.00pm

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Apakah itu kultus? Apabila kita mendengar perkataan “kultus” kita selalu berfikir tentang sebuah kumpulan, korban-korban atau pengamal rutual-ritual tertentu. Melalui seminar ini, pengenalan akan kultus-kultus yang ada di Malaysia amnya dengan tumpuan kepada ajaran dan reaksi berdasarkan Alkitab

25 Mac 2023

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探索你人生 事工的模式 Sun, 05 Mar 2023 12:38:48 +0000 2023年 3月 18日10am 至 4pmZoom

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2023年 3月 18日
10am 至 4pm

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Worship That God Desires Sun, 05 Mar 2023 12:33:49 +0000 The topics of this seminar will include1) a biblical theology of worship,2) how to design a worship service,3) how to evaluate worship songs,4) how to choose worship songs for a worship service and5) practical tips for leading a worship service. Date: 18 March 2023Time: 10.00am-4.00pm

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The topics of this seminar will include
1) a biblical theology of worship,
2) how to design a worship service,
3) how to evaluate worship songs,
4) how to choose worship songs for a worship service and
5) practical tips for leading a worship service.

Date: 18 March 2023
Time: 10.00am-4.00pm

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You’re Invited: BCM 61st Graduation Exercises Tue, 14 Feb 2023 10:20:15 +0000 The post You’re Invited: BCM 61st Graduation Exercises appeared first on Bible College Of Malaysia.


The post You’re Invited: BCM 61st Graduation Exercises appeared first on Bible College Of Malaysia.

Be holy, but how? Thu, 20 Jan 2022 07:44:00 +0000 What does holiness mean? It means separating yourself from the unholy, sinful and worldly; it is choosing to be set apart for God. But how do we become holy? 

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In the Bible, God is described as holy, and as followers of Jesus Christ we are called to be holy as well. 

1 Peter 1:13 says, “just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.”

What does holiness mean? It means separating yourself from the unholy, sinful and worldly; it is choosing to be set apart for God. But how do we become holy? 

Holiness is a lifelong pursuit, and sanctification is the means by which we attain holiness.

Sanctification is allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work in us so that we may become more like Jesus Christ, in other words, to become holy. So in simple words, becoming holy is about allowing the Holy Spirit to change and transform us each day into the likeness of Jesus.

Holiness is not accomplished overnight. What God seeks is not perfection, but obedience and submission to His work in and through us. It is also important to remember that holiness cannot be achieved in our own strength — that becomes moralism. True holiness can only be found in Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit’s working, that we may be holy just as God our Father is.

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