6 月 22, 2023 2024-11-05 10:42Malaysia Pentecostal Research Centre
MPRC 计划包括以下内容:
- 在马来西亚及其他地区出版五旬节研究的年度期刊;
- 每年举办1到2天的五旬宗主要讲员会议和研讨会。
- 每年举办1到2天的五旬宗主要讲员会议和研讨会。
BCM 马来西亚圣经学院《马来西亚五旬节期刊》 is an annual journal published by MPRC. The inaugural issue of the 《马来西亚五旬节期刊》(MPJ) on the theme, “Pentecostal Ecclesiology and Missions” was launched in July 2023 in conjunction with the BCM Pentecostal Conference.
Pentecostal Conference 2024 closed with a powerful time spent in God’s presence as ministers, leaders, pastors and scholars left refreshed and renewed to bring Spirit-empowered leadership into their spheres of influence.
“The conference provided a rich understanding of the biblical-theological, historical, and practical dynamics of Pentecostal leadership in the past, present, and future. Many were blessed, refreshed, and inspired during the talks and conversations,” shared Rev. Dr Eva Wong Suk Kyun, director of Malaysia Pentecostal Research Centre.
Indeed, it was a valuable time of sharing learnings, newfound insights and practical handles for ministry and leadership in the Pentecostal arena. AG Exco Member Rev Wong Yin Ming, who also sits on the BCM Board of Directors, described the conference as uplifting, especially in empowering Spirit-led woman leadership in the Church 
Conference keynote speaker, Rev. Dr Wonsuk Ma, who is the Executive Director of Center for Spirit-Empowered Research and Distinguished Professor of Global Christianity at Oral Roberts University, encouraged the Malaysian Christian research space to continue pressing on 
“[It was] a fine conference demonstrating the promising contribution of Malaysian Pentecostalism for the future of the Asian and world church,” he said.
Rev. Dr. Eva Wong Suk Kyun
电邮: mprc.bcm@gmail.com